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Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life
Free Ebook Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using Your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 7 hours and 29 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Brilliance Audio Release Date: August 7, 2018
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
I first heard about Dr. Leaf several years ago. I was fascinated by her insight and teachings. Over the past years I have found myself reading more of her books and gleaning amazing amounts of knowledge from her years of hard work. She is exceptional at making difficult to comprehend information digestible to the average person.This book is no exception. It’s encouraging, informative, and breaks off the old mindset one can believe about their selves.I would highly recommend this book to all.
I liked this book because it de-mystified a lot of scientific research and was really like three books in one because it had information from the Gift in You book and the 21 Day Brain detox book. Lots of information in this one book!
This book is her BEST so far!! I love having it on CD to listen while I drive, then read the book. I'm doing a book study group using this book. I love how changing our mindsets can empower, improve, heal, and bring success in every area of our lives....physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and financially!!
This book can "help you discover how unlimited your ability to think truly is. You can design and sculp your brain with your thoughts" "This power of the mind to change the brain is incredibly exciting and hopeful." Quotes from the book. I am so thankful for Dr. Leaf and her teaching on the brain. Think, Learn, Succeed is my favorite book by Dr. Leaf. It is very informative and challenging. The truth she teaches on mindsets is so fascinating, simple yet complex. This is life changing material. A must read for those who want to be successful in life.
Having heard good things about Dr. Caroline Leaf, I was prepared to be impressed by her new book, Think, Learn, Succeed. I was not, unfortunately. The book was like a stew gone bad, filled with ingredients that are tasty by themselves but not in combination with others.Here are the book’s ingredients I found tasty. First, the book is about “mental self-care,†about “a lifestyle of cognitive transformation that is both sustainable and organic.†As a middle-aged man, I certainly want my cognitive functions to remain sharp. Second, the book emphasizes changing one’s mindsets from negative to positive, developing an optimistic, “wired-for-love bias.†Such a mindset is eminently desirable. Third, the book teaches that each of is uniquely “gifted†in how we process information. The 70-question “Gift Profile†helped me identify the way I uniquely think about information; my profile made sense to me. Fourth, the book teaches a five-step learning method that builds memory meaningfully—again, an appealing topic.And yet, for me personally, the combination of these tasty ingredients wasn’t tasty too. It started with the fact that the five-step learning method is too formulaic. I’ve completed one graduate degree and am working on another, and I’ve never used Dr. Leaf’s recommended “Metacom†technique—basically, mind-mapping—to learn my subjects. I can see its usefulness, of course, but I’ve done well in school without it. Plus, using Metacogs seems to sit uneasily with the notion that our Gift Profile demonstrates our unique way of thinking. How can our thinking unique if there’s only one way of learning?A second problem: I’m an editor. This book needed better editing. There are 16 chapters devoted to 15 mindsets in Section One. Three chapters devoted to Seven Modules make up your unique Gift Profile in Section Two. And Section Three outlines a five-step process for learning. That’s 27 major points, not counting all the subpoints Dr. Leaf makes under these points. And it’s not clear to me how the sections on mindsets, customized thinking, and learning process hang together. At times, I felt like I was reading three books crammed uncomfortably between two covers.Finally, the scientific research that underlies Dr. Leaf’s conclusions was alternately fascinating and frustrating. Fascinating because of the intrinsic appeal to me of subjects like the mind-brain problem, neuroplasticity, the biological substratum of memory, and the like. Frustrating because as a nonspecialist reader, the scientific details got a bit overwhelming. Plus, it wasn’t always clear that I needed a scientific basis for a particular conclusion, which to be honest, seemed like common sense.So, just two stars on this one for me. I wanted to like it, but I had to force myself to finish it. Kind of like what you have to do when eating a bad stew…
This is the third book I've read by Dr. Leaf and once again her combination and application of neuroscience and spiritual truth is life altering. In this work the ability to understand how you think and learn is a tremendous help and both practical and applicable.
Think Learn Succeed by Dr Leaf is written in terms which may be easier for the "average" person to understand. With the help of her team, she says, even her children love the final copy! With her step by step instructions, one may find the way to thrive in every area of life. From the first chapter, it's surely a "must-read".
The truths contained in this book are mold-breaking and life-changing in terms of renewing your mind and gaining stronger over-all mental health along with a greater clarity and sharpness of mind.
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